I тип читання голосних під наголосом
(алфавітне читання)
cake - mane
lake - gate
trade - state
place - game
made - cane
Kate gave a name to a game.
This lake is a famous place in Wales.
The Maze is an amazing place for a date.
Dave came late with a crane.
Tracy, take a tasty cake.
rose - home
nose - go
note - no
rope - pose
close - cone
Joe, go home alone.
Joel hoped to close a stone door.
Ho, hoe those roses!
Joseph codes his note because of a foe.
Oh, no, Rosie's nose is like a cone!
Ee[i:] - і-і
Pete - she
me - we
be - bede
he - Steve
He is greedy.
She gave me some cheese.
We see Pete in the street with Steve.
Will he be soon?
Ii[ai]-aй Yy[ai]-aй
like - by
write - my
rice - cry
tie - fly
ice - shy
nice - fry
bite - sly
invite - lyme
Mike likes ice-cream.
Ike is nice and wise.
I smile looking at a kite.
Michael writes nicely to invite Mike.
Hi! Don't bite Risa!
My mice are white and sly.
Don't cry! You'll fly by plane next July.
Bye, Mike, Risa and Ike!
cute - duke
tune - use
cube - amuse
tube - mule
mute - huge
He is cute and wears mules.
This tune is super.
Don't use that huge cube!
We often use unusual tunes in music.
It amuses me.
II тип читання голосних під наголосом
Голосна стоїть між приголосних або перед приголосної, літера «е» у кінці
слова відсутня.
Aa [ ] - е
Ann - at
and - hand
cat - bat
bad - can
flat - sat
lamp - Pam
Sam and Pam are fat.
Dan plans to have a new flat.
This man's lamp is bad.
Ann has a cat, a bat and a rat.
A sad man with the maps of the Alps.
Japan is the land of fantasy.
Tom - lost
host - not
frog - dog
hot - plot
The dog is on the log.
Hot dogs, coffee, chocolate, oranges cost a lot.
Tom lost his box.
John and Dolly are not in Florida.
Meg - bed
red - ten
twelve - tell
get - vet
second - well
friend - lesson
Ted gets ten pens every day.
Let Meg tell a better story.
Can you retell ten texts in twelve seconds?
Can Ben spell "twenty" and "twelve" well?
Tell me if your friends are helpful, trendy and friendly.
Tell me if lessons end at twelve twenty.
Ii [i]-і____Yy[i]-і
sit - myth
Tim - gym
it - Kitty
is - Billy
him - Abby
six - Willy
stick - Tony
kitten - foggy
Will his pig dig a pit?
Which children did it?
Mr Fishwick will be rich.
His baby is a myth.
Kitty, Abby, Billy and Willy give him a big gift.
Tim wins a Disney children film and tickets to a family trip.
Tony is thin but Dolly is thick,
Listen! This is "Kalinka".
Uu [ ]-a
plum - cut
duck - run
drum - us
lunch - but
rubbish - up
My uncle Russell is hungry.
Have lunch with us and run with a cup.
Gus jumped but stumbled and fell plump.
Ducks ate plums and drummed.
A bus must come to us. We are luckier than Buddy and Bubba.
lll тип читання голосних під наголосом
(Голосна + буква r)
Аа+r [а:]-а-а
farm - dark
Mark - card
park - smart
large - garden
hard - mark
The parks, gardens and farms are large and charming.
Mark calmed me parking his car in the dark part of the yard.
Mark Parker has a large garden.
Marble Arch and the Barbican Art Gallery are charming.
Charles and Charlie work hard. They are smart.
Оо+r [ ] - о-о
fork - sport
short - for
horse - or
torn - lord
born - port
Norman's shorts are short and torn.
This horse is for a lord.
John's shorts were torn with a fork.
Sport was born in York in the North.
That lord isn't sporty.
Ее+r [ з: ] –е(р)
jerk - Germany
her - verse
perfume - mermaid
person - nerve
serve - herd
Her verses are perfect.
Her perfume is from Germany.
Mermaids and mermen live in lakes.
Don't jerk this nervous person.
A herd is eating tasty herb for dessert.
Ii+r = Уу+r [з:] - е(р)
circus - shirt
bird - first
third - girl
dirty - skirt
circle - myrtle
Sir, are you thirsty?
That girl wears a dirty skirt.
Thirty birds are in the circle.
The third shirt is as dirty as the first one.
The girls came to Shirley's birthday at one thirteen.
Uu+r [ з:] - е(р)
fur - turtle
turn - hurt
purple - curly
turkey - burst
occur - burn
He returns from Turkey on Thursday with curly hair,
It's your turn to roast the turkey.
Don't burn the turkey!
Put the turtle into the fur.
He returned purple.
IV тип читання голосних під наголосом
(Голосна + г + голосна)
Аа+г+гласная [ез] – еа
share - mare
bare - square
hair - care
bear - hare
rare - dare
pair - chair
That girl's hair is quite fair.
I don't want to share in that dirty affair.
Bears and hares have coats of fur.
Mary never dares to ask for her fair share.
The girl in the square takes care of her hair.
I don't care whether I share the fare.
Оо+г+гласная [o:]-o-o
more - core
score - bore
door - pour
floor ore
The more you have the more you want.
Its core is full of ore.
Don't pour water on the floor.
What a bore! The score is nil-nil.
Ee+r+ гласная [ ] - іа
fear - fere
beer - near
severe - clear
here - dear
hear - cheer
appear - ear
deer - Lear
Beer is very dear here.
We never drink beer when we are here.
He didn't appear here for fear.
It's clear that we are not going to stay here and cheer.
Winter is a very severe season. Ears are cold.
Come here. I don't hear what you are saying.
King Lear is a famous play by William Shakespeare.
Ii+r+гласная=Уу+r+гласная [ ]- айе
fire - hire
tire - tyre
Lire - tiro
Hire a taxi, please.
I am tired of this film.
Tires and tyres are the same.
They hired a tiro.
Uu+r+ гласная [] -юе
The air is pure.
Sam made a mistake during the lesson.
They cure with help of herbs.
She is purely healthy.
igh [ai]-aй
fight - sight - right - tights - high
flight - might - bright - knight - delight
night - slight - light - bight - frighten
igh [ai] –ай
1. It's night. Turn on the light.
2. The Lightfoots are right.
- Don't fight! The reason of your fight is so slight!
- He might fly high.
5. These tights are tight.
- There are many sights on Isle of Wight.
ее [i:] – і
see - meet - reed - need - deep
bee - tree - green - free - seek
keen - sleep - weed - feed - street
1. Lee feels sleepy.
2. Mr. Green needs seeds to feed the geese.
3. He seems to be keen on weeding.
4. Have you seen this teen indeed?
5. She has been to Greece for a week.
6. Peter is seeking something in a deep pit.
ea [i:] - і
tea - meat - beat - neat
sea - peak - seal - seat
pea - weak - leaf - peal
sea - peak - seal - seat
pea - weak - leaf - peal
ee,ea [i:] - і
1. Lee is eating on the beach at the sea.
2. Mrs. Green needs meat and tea.
3. Don't tease obedient sheep!
4. Keep our streets clean, please.
5. Will you reach me a green peach?
6. A seal isn't weak.
food - moon - pool - fool - loom - book
wood - gloomy - stood - cool - noon - cook
soon - wool - stool - goose - rooster - look
1. Would it be a good book?
2. Loop’s boots are cool, too.
3. She took her book and put it under her foot.
4. A swimming pool is full of crooks.
5. Only a fool swims as a rule in a cool pool.
6. He was soon in his gloomy mood and took no food.
ai/ay[ei] - ей
main - afraid - pain - gain - clay - stay
wait - mail - Spain - pail - hay - pay
rain - saint - tail - faint - day - May
ai/ay[ei] – ей
- A waiter said:" Pay attention to this play. It is in May."
- may stay here and play for the whole day."
- No pay no play.
- Have you ever been in pain? -No, I've been to Spain.
- Stay here and hay gaily a haycock with a hay-fork.
- No gains without pains.
- The rain came through the space in the drain.
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